Are You Frustrated Because Your Internet Does Not Work Well In Some Areas Of Your Home?
In some areas of your home, does your Internet work great? But in other areas, does your phone or TV disconnect frequently? Do you have to wait for pages to load? Do your TV programs frequently buffer or your TV apps kick you out? The problem is most likely a poor connection to your Wi-Fi router!
New Era Broadband’s NEB Whole Home Wi-Fi is made to fix this!
With our NEB Whole Home Wi-Fi, our trained technicians will come to your home and analyze the signal is all areas where you want and need to use your Internet. Then we’ll recommend the system that best solves your signal strength issues! All this come with our 30-day money back guarantee and your fast, friendly service.*
At any time, while you have our NEB Whole Home Wi-Fi system, we’ll come to your home and adjust location or configuration if conditions warrant. We make sure this works for you at all times!